"Life is like a journey...
Life's meaning will keep traveling...
Even though we may meet hardship on the way...
But together we will not be beaten by difficulties...
Hand to hand... Till Eternity... "
((Rave Master))
Our Story
Life is full of surprises!
Magical things can happen any time. Anywhere. Unexpectedly.
It began with a hope and a long wait that seemed endless.
But meeting someone can change everything.
It didn’t take long for us to fall in love.
After we met on January 12th, we became even more connected with each other eversince.
And “BAM!”
It seems the Universe has granted its blessing.
Our families expressed their joy for our relationship.
January 16, 2022, we had decided that we need to take our relationship further.
Since then, Mestakung is an efficacious mantra that we always believe in.
And it works!
It becomes easier for us to get through our daily struggle.
Our journey has not been all flowers and rainbows, we have encountered a lot of awkward difficulties.
The bittersweet of life.
But in the end, we always survived.
Our conviction grew even stronger that we were created for one another.
Love isn’t finding a perfect person.
But it’s seeing an imperfect person perfectly.
We decided to get engaged on August 19th, 2022.
And will be officially married on August 30th, 2022.
Become Husband and Wife.
We believe that a great marriage is not made when perfect couple comes together.
But it is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy and complement their differences.
We don’t really have high expectations.
We only hope that we will always be together.
Rain or shine.
Pain or pleasure.
And that we are one till death do us part.
Wedding Gift
Protokol Kesehatan
Penting bagi kami agar semua orang tetap aman, harap baca dengan cermat Panduan Covid-19 di Hari Pernikahan kami sebelum menghadiri acara:
Ucapan & Doa
Sebuah kebahagiaan bagi kami apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i berkenan memberikan doa terbaik untuk pernikahan kami.
Atas kehadiran dan do’a restu dari Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i sekalian, kami mengucapkan Terima Kasih.
Kami yang berbahagia
Judika & Duma
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, Acara ini akan dilaksanakan dengan Menerapkan